Pentecost And if you investigate the reason why not before the resurrection but after it did the pouring forth of the Spirit take place, you will hear in reply: Christ became at the resurrection the firstfruits of the renewed nature, when nullifying the bands of death He lived again. How then should we be made alive before the Firstfruit?
For as the tree cannot shoot up from the earth, if it is not surely sprung from its own root, so too it was impossible that we should be seen springing up before our own root of incorruption: our Lord Jesus Christ. But He showing that the time of the descent of the Spirit upon us has now come, after the resurrection from the dead, He breathed on His disciples, saying “Receive the Holy Spirit” (John 20:22). Thus the time of the renewal has become at the doors, or rather within the doors…
With regards to the holy prophets, they had a rich shining illumination like a torch from the Spirit to lead them to the apprehension of things to come and the knowledge of things hidden. But in those who believe in Christ, we are confident that we do not simply have an illumination from the Spirit, but the Spirit itself dwells and has His habitation. Therefore we are rightly called temples of God, though no one of the holy prophets was ever called a Divine Temple 1.

  1. St Cyril of Alexandria Commentary on the Gospel of John Book 5, Chapter II